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电话: 022-83999266
传真: 022-83999966
姓名: Cynthia
Tianjin yufeng Chemical

  We are Tianjin YuFeng Chemical Co.,LTD. Our factory was established in 2003 ,Specilizing in the Research,Development,Sales and Technology consult of Calcium Hypochlorite/ Sodium Hypochlorite. We are the biggest and most competitive manufacturer of the Calcium Hypochlorite <Bleaching power> by Sodiium process and Calcium process in the north of China with Annual output 20000 Tons. If you have any demand for our products , email or call me freely. I am glad to offer you our best price and more inforamtion . Thank you very much . Ms Cynthia zyn at tjyufeng doc com *域名隐藏* ...

主要产品/业务: We are Tianjin YUfeng Chemical Co.,Ltd-----the professional manufacturer of calcium hypochlorite in Tianjin China. We are the biggest manufacturer of calcium hypochlorite in the north of China and mainly supply high chlorine calcium hypochlorite.

Tianjin yufeng Chemical / 天津 / Donglantuo vallage,Xiqing district (300383 ) / 电话:022-83999266

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